“I know that there is a flight training program at Spartan in Tulsa and if anyone asks I try to send them there and another north of us,” he states. “ However, we don’t see a lot of interest. It is hard right now to get people to be really interested in flying.” “The air museum does have a lot of kids that come out here for school tours and they do try to talk directly with kids about getting them interested in it [aviation].” The workforce development conversation is still ongoing for Fornwalt against a backdrop of continued labor shortages in the aviation industry. A problem that is felt at the regional and national as well as international level. UPGRADES TAKING OFF Turning to the key area of infrastructure upgrading for the airport, Fornwalt draws attention to several projects in various stages of completion. Projects that speak to safety, efficiency, and modernization where it is needed throughout the airport operations. “Right now we are still working on the new terminal and the parking lot expansion,” he begins. 236 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 12 LIBERAL MID-AMERICA REGIONAL AIRPORT