Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

there’s an airport here, and it brings a lot to the community,” Fiore says. That sentiment has already been tangibly followed up on with the airport restarting its Wings and Wheels Open House events, which opens its gates to the public to allow them to come in, view the aircraft on display, and even take children up into the air for what usually is their first flight experience ever. With the seeds of aviation being planted in the hearts and minds of the younger generation, things should synergize well with Director Fiore’s next phase of her vision for St. Clair, which is the airport being able to host a flight school. With office spaces, and a separate building dedicated to flight training on the airport property, there is plenty of opportunity for flight training at St. Clair County. Considering the recent shortage of pilots throughout the country, this is setting the stage for a grassroots solution to a national problem. Lastly, on the more corporate level, as Port Huron and St. Clair County expand economically, the 385 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 ST. CLAI R COUNT Y INTERNAT IONAL AI RPORT