Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

about five feet, thus keeping out burrowing animals as well. Such fences are very important to regional airports. Fornwalt recalls an occasion several years back when three coyotes ran across the runway before disappearing into the adjoining woods. Breaking down the business stats, Fornwalt explicates that it works out to 94 percent general aviation, three percent airline service, three percent air taxi service and less than one percent military. “We get a lot of touch-and-go military aircraft,” he says. “It has increased military-wise, due to the fact that we have an agreement with Vance Air Force Base (located in Enid, Okla.) for them to come and do touch-and-go’s up here with the PC-12’s.” That would be the Swiss-made Pilatus PC-12: a pressurized, single-engine, turbo-prop aircraft manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft for the past 32 years. The PC-12 is a lightish, general-purpose 365 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 L I BERAL MID-AMERICA REGIONAL AI RPORT