Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

“It’s due for certification in 2027,” Gross reveals, “so right now, the airport itself is planning how we develop the electrical grid to support the aircraft and also howwe support electric aircraft in general. I think we’re going to see a change in aviation and this airport is going to be the electric aircraft field for commuter aircraft. “Some of the 30 to 50-seat commuter aircraft that are being developed right now look promising,” he continues, “and it looks like one of the big changes you’regoing toseewithelectricaviation isadecrease in operating cost in particular maintenance. Now, you’ve got a nice, smooth-running electric motor compared to an internal combustion engine, which is constantly beating itself. There are fewer moving parts, so I think the future is going to be kind of exciting in this area.” In the next few years, says Gross, the runway safety project will be complete. The extension of the shorter runway will be finished, and the new air traffic-control tower will be in place. Hopefully, he adds, some new T-hangars will also be in place for local aircraft enthusiasts. Thus it is that things look sunny ahead for the Lebanon Municipal Airport. It is, says Gross, fair weather for flying indeed. PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n GEOKON 357 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 LEBANON (N.H. ) MUNICI PAL AI RPORT