Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

two counties. “Eau Claire County owns the airport, but the airport operates under an agreement between both Eau Claire and Chippewa counties,” she explains. This arrangement led to the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport Commission, a seven-member board responsible for oversight and operation. “This structure has been pivotal in our growth, allowing us to swiftly respond to new business development opportunities and capitalize on funding for improvement projects,” Zich notes. VISION FOR THE FUTURE AND ADDRESSING INDUSTRY CHALLENGES The Chippewa Valley Regional Airport faces promising prospects and industry-wide challenges as it looks ahead. Zich offers insights into the airport’s plans, its approach to emerging issues, and the overarching goal of remaining a pivotal regional and national asset. “Our hangars have been nearly full for several years, and aircraft operations have increased by about 15%,” she notes, indicating a robust demand. The airport is always seeking new opportunities to better serve stakeholders. “We’ve built new hangars and are constantly exploring opportunities to enhance our facilities,” she adds. This ongoing development aims to accommodate existing stakeholders and attract new business to the area. According to Zich, one of the most pressing challenges for regional airports is the pilot and aviation worker shortage. Addressing this, she references initiatives by U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, including efforts to increase federal student loan limits for aspiring professional pilots and expand the GI Bill for flight training. “These are some immediate solutions we should be focusing on,” she suggests, highlighting the need for accessible pathways into aviation careers. At the same time, Zich proudly points out the airport’s comprehensive capabilities. “We are the largest airport in western Wisconsin, capable of serving a wide range of aircraft,” she states. From small single-engine planes to Boeing 737 800s for scheduled services, the airport’s facilities for maintenance, storage, and business jet charters through Heartland Aviation demonstrate its full- 335 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 CHI PPEWA VALLEY REGIONAL AI RPORT