Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

“Improvements at an airport are constant,” she notes. Among the recent significant upgrades is the reconstructionof thefirestation.“Ournewfirestation is now a modern facility, incorporating advanced technology for better response coordination,” Zich explains. This upgrade is in anticipation of a new fire truck expected in the upcoming year. The airport’s commitment to safety and wildlife management is evident in its perimeter fence replacement project. “We’re about halfway through a multiyear project to transition from a six-foot to a ten-foot fence,” Zich says. Project completion slated for fall 2024, will mark a significant step in enhancing airport security and wildlife management. As outlined by Zich, these ongoing enhancements at Chippewa Valley Regional Airport reflect a proactive approach to upgrading facilities. Through strategic planning and effective use of resources, the airport continues to position itself as a safe, modern, and efficient hub for the region’s aviation- related activities. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS AND OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE The Chippewa Valley Regional Airport’s success and ongoing development are a product of internal efforts and the result of robust external collaborations and a unique operational structure. Zich elaborates on these vital relationships and the organizational framework that enables the airport to thrive and adapt to changing needs. She highlights the importance of local vendors and suppliers in airport operations. “Our collaborations vary depending on the project,” she says, “but our partnership with Mead and Hunt has been constant.” This multifaceted aviation consulting firm provides engineering, architectural, and planning services, including the current master plan update.This long- standing relationship underlines the importance of consistent and expert guidance in the airport’s development. Zich describes a distinctive operational structure by discussing the airport’s relationship with the 334 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12