Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

system and a text gets sent back saying ‘your bus will be at your stop at this time.’ That information helps people understand where the buses are. So, they know what to expect. And that expectation and knowledge do promote usage because people are not standing at the stop wondering.” “We also have automatic passenger counters on our buses. These counters tell us how many passengers get on and off the system at any stop location. That helps to promote where and when we insert service. and it can predict, where the buses should be. And that is relayed into ITS’ real-time customer apps. Customers can see where buses are throughout the network, via the internet, via text messaging, and through the app that we have for Oakville Transit.” “This information does help passengers understand, especially on the lower frequency routes, if the bus is running on time, or if it’s delayed by whatever means,” Kawun continues. “Our stops all have a four-digit code which could be texted to our ITS 310 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12