Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

anything that could be potentially unusual—that is reasonably suspicious in nature—is through a guest service approach. I may be wrong in the assessment, but I’m never going be wrong in the approach when I approach it from a guest service perspective that allows me that approach. That initial contact allows me to identify the behavioral indicators that individual is displaying. Either he belongs there, or he doesn’t. Based on his behavior and my approach, I’m going be able to determine that fairly quickly.” You can never underestimate the importance of vigilance and preparedness, Herrera emphasizes. “Awareness belongs to everyone,” he says. “It is no longer tasked for one individual that has that designated role—the director of security—to monitor the entire operation. It’s incumbent upon everyone, every employee and every other key stakeholder and partner that’s a part of that event, whether you’re a meeting planner, an organizer or a service contractor. Everyone has a say in identifying and mitigating risk.” 264 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12