Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

pre-qualification process for sub-consultants or suppliers, but they ensure all necessary certifications and accreditations are met for their projects. Jamshidi highlights CTL’s recent honors, including being named the Ohio Kentucky ESOP Chapter Employer of the Year in 2023 and the National ESOP Company of the Year in Washington, D.C. These awards signify the company’s employee commitment. Donley further mentions CTL’s local and national recognition, consistently ranking among Columbus Business First’s top 25 engineering firms and featuring in the top engineering projects, minority- owned firms, and top privately held firms lists. Engineering News-Record magazine also places them in the top 500 design firms nationally. CTL’s ethical business approach, solid relationships, and employee-driven culture have driven growth and stability and garnered extensive industry respect and accolades, reinforcing their leadership in engineering consulting. Navigating the Present, Envisioning the Future: CTL Engineering’s Path Forward As CTL Engineering looks toward the future, it grapples with the challenges of today while laying the groundwork for continued success and expansion. The company’s journey, marked by a strong emphasis on governance, employee engagement, and advocacy for ESOPs, sets the stage for its upcoming endeavors and aspirations. Jamshidi stresses the significance of governance in CTL’s trajectory. “The most crucial aspect of any company is its governance. Since becoming a majority ESOP, we’ve ensured that most of our board of directors is external, non-employee, and non-shareholder.This structure allows for unbiased, honest input, crucial for our growth and success.” Donley outlines CTL’s prospects and potential hurdles. “We’ve been fortunate to be part of high- profile projects recently, which we believe will lead to more such opportunities. Appointing a chief growth officer is strategic, signaling our intent to expand and evolve.However, a significant challenge we face is personnel recruitment. Finding qualified 150 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12