Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

BIOGAS PLANT CONSTRUCTION AND PREFABRICATED BIOGAS EQUIPMENT We are a leading player in the energy transition, offering EPC services and a manufacturing division dedicated to the Biogas market. ANAEROBIC DIGESTION TECHNOLOGY Prefabricated containerized solutions for: Electrical Containers, Pump Containers, Instrumentation and SCADA Integration, Heat Exchangers, Prefabricated Steel Tanks, Biogas Upgraders MANURE & FOOD WASTE TO RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS FACILITIES Complete Biogas Plant, RNG, Depackaging, Facility Construction, HDPE Mechanical Piping, Building Construction, Electrical, Heating & Ventilation, Concrete innovation and growth. CH Four Biogas is angling to be at the forefront of this transformation by developing solutions that not only meet the current needs of the market but also herald a greener and more sustainable future. Allen reflects on the evolution of the market and the company’s growth. “When I started at CH Four, our clients were primarily small farms, often European farmers who were familiar with biogas technology from living in Europe. Today, we’re working with larger farms, municipalities, and industries that are seeking solutions for nutrient management and waste reduction. The market has changed significantly, and it’s exciting to see the growth and potential of renewable energy.” Looking ahead, Allen predicts significant growth in the renewable energy sector, particularly in the United States, where tax incentives are driving investment in sustainable solutions. “We’re also seeing growth in Alberta, a province traditionally known for its oil production. There’s a growing interest in diversifying from oil and gas and exploring renewable energy options to reduce 119 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 CH FOUR BIOGAS