Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

nourish crops.” As the renewable energy landscape continues to shift, CH Four Biogas has evolved its offerings to meet the changing needs of the market. “When I started with CH Four in 2006,we primarily produced electricity from our gas. Now, we’ve moved into producing renewable natural gas and are exploring the possibility of using our product in vehicles as compressed natural gas,” says Allen. “We’re constantly looking at what the market needs and howwe can fit into that.Our technology is a solution for a range of problems, from nutrient overloading in waterways caused by over application of manure to the growing issue of landfill’s reaching capacity waste. We offer a waste management solution that is both green and practical.” ADAPTING TO A NEW NORMAL The renewable energy sector has seen significant changes in recent years, with the pandemic acting as a catalyst for innovation and adaptation. As the world transitions to a new normal, companies like CH Four Biogas are at the forefront of developing solutions that not only meet the current needs of themarket but also contribute to amore sustainable future. Mohamad Adghim, Head of R&D at CH Four Biogas, shares insights into the current focus of the research and development department at the company. “In light of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2030, our R&D department is concentrating on maximizing the potential of the biogas industry. We’re exploring ways to treat a variety of organic wastes that are typically avoided in digesters, such as corn stover and poultry manure, to optimize their use in digesters and as fertilizers.” Allen further sheds light on the company’s target areas and the challenges they face in getting their products to market. “We’re currently working with larger farms and industrial anaerobic digester settings, such as municipalities with green bin programs. The material from these programs needs to be pretreated before it can be processed in an anaerobic digester. However, the permitting process can be lengthy, sometimes taking up to two years, which can hinder the industry’s growth.” 114 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12