Business View Magazine - Dec 2023

The company’s engineering team brings years of industry experience to deliver unparalleled anaerobic digestion solutions for maximum efficiency and optimal performance. Concomitantly, its research and development team is constantly exploring groundbreaking technologies and processes to shape the future of anaerobicdigestion. CH Four Biogas is dedicated to driving sustainable transformation through anaerobic digestion, empowering businesses and communities to embrace renewable, reliable, and efficient energy sources. Its closed-loop system maximizes resource efficiency, reduces waste, and supports the interconnectedness of communities, farms, and the environment. By integrating agricultural and dairy operations, CH Four Biogas is revolutionizing the way farms and dairies manage their organic waste, turning it into a valuable fuel source that can power a greener future. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN A CHANGING LANDSCAPE As the renewable energy sector undergoes a significant transformation, with new technologies and innovative solutions emerging to meet the growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources, Claire Allen, P.Eng., VP of Operations at CH Four Biogas, explains how the company has adapted its technology to meet the needs of the North American market. “We started in 2006, adopting our technology from a Swiss biogas company and modifying it to suit the different feedstocks, temperatures, and equipment available in North America. We’ve since expanded throughout Canada, the United States, Mexico, and South America, primarily focusing on agricultural anaerobic digester projects and co-digestion, which involves using food waste as well as animal manures.” The process of anaerobic digestion is akin to a stomach breaking down food, with the end product being biogas, primarily composed of methane. “We can use this biogas to generate electricity or clean it to produce renewable natural gas,”Allen explains. “The waste that goes into the process comes out as digestate, an organic fertilizer that can be used to 113 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 CH FOUR BIOGAS