Business View Magazine | December 2020

437 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2020 BELLFLOWER , CAL I FORNI A now. L.A. County Public Health keeps business operations limited due to the COVID case count, so they are being very cautious as they open things up.” The club is an exciting opportunity that brings diversity to the city’s economic portfolio and helps define Bellflower as an entertainment destination. Mayor Garza shares, “The nearest comedy club is in Long Beach, which is a good six miles away. Aside from that, the nearest ones are probably in Pasadena and Hollywood – at least 20 miles away from us. The fact that Bellflower is having this type of use, and is open to it, is really a good reflection of our evolution, of our renaissance. I want to stress what the Stand-Up Comedy Club really represents for us here. It’s not just a comedy club, it’s the fact that we have a business community in the entertainment sector seeing us as a good solid partner and location to invest in. They feel that everything around us will be enough to sustain that economic model for them.” Another up and coming project, the Edgeway