Business View Magazine | December 2020

423 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2020 BOROUGH OF LANSDALE , PENNSYLVANI A every piece of land. So, they take opportunities as they come, and entertain those possibilities as a council for the entirety of the project. The town is also fortunate to own its electric company, giving it a lot of flexibility that many other communities do not have. Until the 1970s, Lansdale generated its own power, and one of the things that the borough is looking forward to is the possibility of generating more of its own power locally through the use of solar power. According to Herbert, “We have started a project where we will offset about one megawatt of usage by putting solar panels on two of our municipal buildings. That will save some money for our borough and it also gives us a testing ground for how we might do more power generation here in the town and eliminate some of the costs we spend on buying power for the borough. That is an exciting project. And we also put in 10 EV (electric vehicle) chargers across the borough, which came to us through a grant BROAD EXPERIENCE. LOCAL FOCUS. KILKENNY LAW :H DUH D IXOO VHUYLFH ODZ ȴUP HTXLSSHG WR UHSUHVHQW FOLHQWV LQ DQ H[WHQVLYH UDQJH RI FRPSOH[ OHJDO LVVXHV IRFXVLQJ RQ 0XQLFLSDO /DZ DQG =RQLQJ /DQG 8VH :H DVVLVW PXQLFLSDOLWLHV LQGLYLGXDOV EXVLQHVVHV IDPLOLHV DQG RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQ VXEXUEDQ 3KLODGHOSKLD DQG WKURXJKRXW 3HQQV\OYDQLD DQG KDYH RɝFHV ORFDWHG LQ 'HODZDUH 0HGLD %XFNV 1HZWRZQ 0RQWJRPHU\ 1RUULVWRZQ DQG &KHVWHU :HVW &KHVWHU &RXQWLHV 6ZHGH 6W 1RUULVWRZQ 3$ ZZZ VNLONHQQ\ODZ FRP 3 ) CONGRATULATIONS MAYOR HERBERT