Business View Magazine | December 2020

247 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2020 ROCKY MOUNTA IN METROPOL I TAN A I RPORT where we all work together. It truly is about teamwork. We all care about the soul of the airport and that is one of the things when I came on as the Director that I promised I would not turn this into an airport that was all business and operations. But that we would continue to have a soul… I think that is translating into growth and interest in RMMA.” That soul comes from the way the team fosters a love of the airport, along with a spirit of community involvement. COVID has curtailed some of that, but usually, they host several events, especially for school children. Partnering with the local schools, RMMA brings classes to the airport and puts on an Aviation Day, which gets the younger generation thinking about the aviation industry as a career path. There are normally some 15 community events that happen on the airfield each year. “When I was growing up, I never thought about being a pilot,” Anslow admits. “I didn’t know how to go about it, I didn’t know that it was a possibility. But today, a high school kid thinks, “If I am going to work as a plumber or anything, I have to go to college, and college is going to cost me a ton of money.” And so giving them an experience and showing them they could be an aircraft mechanic, or be a pilot… there are lots of opportunities here that give them a chance to think. We partnered with Mountain Aviation, a charter flight company and one of our bigger tenants on the airfield. And using their hanger, and Europa, and some of our other tenants here at the airport we have hosted several job fairs. It is kind of a core group that works together, and we take them to other spaces with the idea to get students and others interested in flying.” RMMA is also working with a Denver-based group to honor Bessie Coleman in 2021. Bessie Coleman was the first black female aviator and she flew out of Chicago. Anslow shares, “One of the lifelong members and founders of the organization has moved to Colorado and so