Business View Magazine | December 2018
74 75 Products LLC FLEXIBILITY FIRST V onco Products LLCoffers customflexible containers for healthcare,in- dustrial,and retail markets.Customers can design flexible,liquid-tight packaging and components beyond traditional rectangular bags,and can leverage shapes,features,fitments,unsupported and supported films,custom-print- ed pouches,animal health pouches,bag-in-box,stand-upwith spouts,bulletproof transport,collection,andmore. The original company formed in 1955 and began bybuilding sealing equipment for bags.This logicallyexpanded into directlymaking flexible plasticpouches and bags,which is nowthemain thrust of Vonco’s business.Afamilybusiness for many years,now-President Keith Smith acquired the company in 2013. “Mybackground is infoodpackaging,and I thoughtourvaluepropositionand competenciesalignedwellwiththe food industry,”saysSmith.“Webringour strengths tothatmarket,which iswhywe’veachievedAIBcertifica- tion,having fulfilledthe requirementsof the International Consolidated Standards for Food Contact Packaging from theAmerican Institute of Baking.” Currently,Vonco has 125 employees.Growth led to the erecting of a new(2017) 80,000-square-foot building andmoving the company,last year,froma 55,000-square-foot facility in LakeVilla,Illinois to Trevor,Wisconsin,becoming the anchor tenant of the AT A GLANCE VONCO PRODUCTS LLC WHAT: A manufacturer of customized flexible containers for healthcare and retail markets WHERE: Trevor, Wisconsin WEBSITE:
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