Business View Magazine | December 2018

126 127 SLOWAND STEADY GROWTH AT A GLANCE FRESNO YOSEMITE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHAT: A joint civil-military airport WHERE: Fresno, California WEBSITE: F resno Yosemite International Airport is a large airport repackaged on a small, regional scale. Fresno, or FAT according to its airport designator code, accommo- dates the operations of eight air carriers, in- cluding two international air carrier lines from Mexico; the U.S. Customs and Border Protection; FedEx and UPS Air freight; an airline mainte- nance and crew base; two Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) –Signature Flight Support/TECNICAair and Ross Aviation; two military bases – the 144th Fighter Wing of the California Air Nation- al Guard and the U.S. Army 1106th TASMG (The- ater Aviation Support Maintenance Group); two local and one State Law Enforcement air opera- tion bases; a helicopter services operation; 179 based aircraft; and 81,520 annual operations. “That is what is really interesting about this Airport,” says Kevin Meikle, Director of Aviation. “When you look at all the lines of business that this Airport has, it is very similar to a large airport, but yet we are a small regional airport. It is unique about our Airport and the re- gion that we serve –we have all these lines of business that you typically do not see.Whether it is the military com- ponent, the commercial component, the diversity of airlines and destina-