
133 Allen: “We’ve been in business a long time; manyof our employees have 20 to 40 years’experiencewith RIX,and knowour products and the industryextremely well.Often our clients find themselves with a challeng- ing problem to solve and cannot find anyone to solve it.Our expertise is finding those solutions that nobody else can get to. “Going beyond that,RIX invests heavily in relation- ships and customerpartnership.So,whenyouworkwith usyouget aconsummateprofessionalwhotrulyworks tounderstandyourproblems,andhowour expertiseand productscanbeusedtomaximizecustomervalue.When youcall in,you’renotgoingtoget asalesguylookingup whatyouneed inapartscatalogue.Ourpeople identify andoptimize thesolutionforyou.That’s thevalueour customers reallyappreciate.” BVM: What’s on tap as far as upgrades,newtechnol- ogy,infrastructure,initiatives? Allen: “We’re always looking for newcustomers and partners that value the best total solutions we pro- vide.As far as newmarket development,we’re looking heavilyat the transportation sector froma sustainabil- ityperspective,reducing greenhouse gases and emis- sions,and howour technologyand expertise can be of value.We’re activelypursuing and developing new processes,tools,and products that help support the transformation of the transportation sector–mainly the growth of compressed natural gas as a transport fuel,and hydrogen as a transportation fuel for use in fuel cell vehicles.” BVM: Five years down the road,what are the long- termobjectives for RIX? Allen: “It’s all about growth.In that time frame,we’d be looking to tout the benefits and achievements of partnership with folks like Plug Power,who are rev- olutionizing the material handling world in ware- house distribution and operations.They’re replacing batteries in forklifts with fuel cells, and improving RIX INDUSTRIES