Business View Magazine | Volume 8, Issue 8
51 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 THE AMER I CAN FOUNDRY SOC I ETY (AFS) which concluded that existing sweepers would be appropriate for meeting the agency’s silica standard. At a cost of more than $30,000 per sweeper, this victory alone saved millions of dollars. Another policy achievement in 2020, in which EPA imposed no new emissions limits on iron and steel foundries, also reflected extensive consultation by AFS. In addition to our Washington-based team members, AFS has an active, member-led Government Affairs Committee which sets our overall policy goals. AFS holds an annual Fly-In in the nation’s capital, where metalcasters and suppliers meet face-to-face with lawmakers. The Fly-In had to be held as a virtual event the past two years, due to the pandemic, and we are looking forward to it returning to its in-person format in 2022. At the local level, our members often host elected officials for plant tours. These tours build first-hand understanding of what metalcasting is all about, and the elected officials enjoy meeting their constituents in the workplace. AFS also collaborates on policy priorities with state metalcasting associations, as well as certain national groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers. AFS members recognize the importance of advocacy and enthusiastically support these efforts. BVM: How does AFS deliver educational programs to the industry? Doug: The AFS Institute, the educational arm of the Society, has educated nearly 90,000 students since 1957. The Institute recently invested one million dollars to revitalize and refresh the curriculum. The core curriculum of 39 courses is scheduled throughout the year and can be taken in the classroom, live via Zoom, or via in-plant training provided in customers’ foundries. AFS also offers 110 modules of Foundry E-Learning which students can complete at their own convenience – in fact, a total of 4,399 modules
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