Business View Magazine - August 2024

in-training.”This hierarchical setup ensures that every project is supervised by experienced professionals, particularly those with NABCEP® certification, a recognized standard in the solar industry. Duncan emphasizes,“Our site supers are NABCEP®-certified installers, and those under them are training to step into supervisory roles eventually.” The strategic approach doesn’t end with internal staffing. Duncan highlights how Chroma Energy supplements its team with local labor on a projectby-project basis. This practice not only supports local economies but also provides flexibility and scalability. “We provide project oversight and management, then pick up local labor from temp companies wherever we’re working,” he says, noting the company’s operational reach across the eastern U.S. Regarding project capacity, Chroma Energy doesn’t set strict limits on the number of jobs. Duncan articulates, “We have revenue goals and growth targets as a company rather than a specific number of projects we aim to complete each year.” This flexible approach allows Chroma Energy to adapt to varying project scales and demands. Parker elaborates on the nature and scale of projects. “On the distributed generation side, these are large ground mount projects, ranging from 10 to 100 acres. These turnkey installations can cost anywhere from half a million to over five million dollars per project,” he explains. These substantial projects showcase Chroma Energy’s capability to handle extensive installations with significant financial investments. Conversely, the C&I projects, though generally smaller, are handled with equal expertise.“We develop these C&I projects in-house from the ground up, covering all pre-construction and engineering needs,” Parker notes. The scale of these projects varies widely, with some as small as ten kilowatts, like a recent $150,000 installation in downtown Knoxville.“When we say our project sizes vary widely, we mean it,” Parker affirms, illustrating the broad spectrum of Chroma Energy’s capabilities. SETTING THEMSELVES APART Chroma Energy Group’s distinction in the market 92 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08