Business View Magazine - August 2024

approach but enhances that with social media marketing which enhances the company’s online presence and accessibility. Diversity as a marketing principle makes the most sense in this case, as Acme needs this range of marketing techniques to continue reaching more of the immensely diverse customer base that it already serves. Acme serves a broad spectrum of customers, including owner-operators, repair shops, and freight companies. The company’s operational capacity is geared towards meeting these diverse requirements efficiently and effectively, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. ensuring that employees understand the ESOP and its benefits. “Each employee goes through a vesting period.After they’ve been with Acme for at least a year, we sit down and explain the details and the benefits of how our ESOP works,” Brookes states, clarifying that the actual vesting period lasts about 7 years. Afterward, employees are given an ESOP statement each year, showing them their shares, and the value of their shares. However, that’s not all. Quarterly “How Can You Do Your Part?” emails remind employees of ways to enhance efficiency and profitability, keeping everyone aligned with the company’s goals. Additionally, when the employees hit those goals, the company makes sure to recognize and celebrate them. Twice a year, Acme hosts events to celebrate its employees and foster a sense of community. Summer parties, such as renting a ship for a cruise on Lake Michigan during the Air and Water Show, and family-inclusive Christmas parties, are often used to strengthen bonds among employees and their families. These events not only celebrate accomplishments but also reinforce the importance of teamwork and shared success within the ESOP structure. DYNAMIC AND DIVERSE STRATEGIES FOR MARKETING AND OPERATIONS Acme’s external branding focuses on maintaining a strong market presence through various channels. “We market our product and services through our website. We have outside sales personnel, inside sales countermen, and sales flyers. Plus we market through social media and our on-hold messaging. We also have a marketing company called AMP/Optima that runs our Google web page to ensure that we’re always at the top of the search,” Brookes explains. When it comes to external promotion, Acme’s policy is to diversify the ways that it delivers itself to its prospects. It still retains the traditional in-person 83 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08 ACME TRUCK BRAKE & SUPPLY CO