Business View Magazine - August 2024

maintaining client satisfaction and operational efficiency. Additionally, collaborating closely with manufacturers allows Gib-San Pools to drive continuous improvement within its vendors and suppliers as well, signaling to them that their growth is just as important to the company as its own. Although vendor relationships are never overlooked, the top priority for Gib-San Pools remains its focus on the human experience.The company understands that pool ownership is not just about the pool itself but the overall experience it provides. The company employs a team of highly qualified master designers to create custom solutions that consider various factors, from ergonomics to Of course, creating this level of cross-industry collaboration requires building strong partnerships with the companies involved. Because of this, successful supply chain integration and partnerships are vital for Gib-San Pools. The company places a strong emphasis on paying bills promptly and maintaining symbiotic relationships with suppliers. “People miss that a partnership is a two-way street… that means you’re working them, testing their products, integrating their products, and reporting back on how their products are working,” Gibbs explains. This approach ensures a steady supply of highquality products and services, which is crucial for 47 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08 GIB-SAN POOLS