Business View Magazine - August 2024

we can best serve our clients.” Core values play a pivotal role in the company’s hiring process and overall philosophy. Millennium stands by its core values of passionate, curious, caring, and dependable. “We hire people based on core values and their ability to do the job. We ask people to look at everything through the lens of our core values, ensuring that whatever we’re doing is in the best interest of our clients, everyone else at Millennium, and our vendors,” Kyle elaborates. This common language and value system enable employees to apply their unique personalities and drive to the business, fostering a cohesive and motivated workforce. MARKETING STRATEGIES AND VENDOR PARTNERSHIPS Millennium’s growth strategy is not just about expanding services but also about refining marketing and sales techniques.The addition of a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) has significantly shifted the company’s approach to building a more robust pipeline. Kyle discusses this strategic hire, saying, “We hired Jim Anetsberger, the first CRO we’ve ever had, and he’s focusing more on marketing and creating an overall pipeline.”This new leadership role has provided fresh perspectives and broadened the company’s target market. “Historically, a lot of what we’ve done has been geared towards grant programs, targeting smaller companies that need the grants to make it a viable business model. But that only covers about 45% of our target market,” Kyle explains. “There’s a lot of private investment and private equity in the space. So, a lot of our marketing now is geared towards working with all prospects and clients who can use our resources to connect people faster.” On the vendor side, Kyle emphasizes the importance of strong, reliable partnerships. “We still use the same preferred vendors, like CommScope, Dura-Line, and Oldcastle,” he says. “Many companies offshore their production to cut costs, often compromising on service, support, warranty, and quality. The vendors we support have always prioritized American-made products, even before it became a requirement.” Additionally, Millennium partners with a specific 245 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08 MILLENNIUM