Business View Magazine - August 2023

54 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 them to others within the industry and bring them together to be representatives for the organizations and the industry when they move on to whatever is next for them.,” she elaborates. “We see a big focus on education and networking with this group. We are also seeing a focus on retention, looking at alternative ways of working: trying to integrate things like gig opportunities or shorter-term opportunities that may appeal to younger professionals or in fact individuals that are later in their careers and are looking for more flexibility. We are trying out all different types of programs that may not be common within our industry. We look for inspiration everywhere as to what programs will fit with our organization and culture and what we are trying to achieve.” OURtime As an example of this, Ramotowski cited an unlimited paid time-off program: “OURtime.” “We don’t have a cap on how much vacation time people take,” she said. “It’s based on