Business View Magazine - August 2023

52 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 company culture, as well as grappling with the problem of shrinking numbers of workers. “We believe it’s our competitive advantage,” she said. “It helps us produce our results,” she continues. “Our formula is quite simple. We believe that once you’ve defined the results you want to achieve as a business, both the current and the future key results, it comes down to the experiences the employees are having each and every day, really shaping their beliefs, which then drive the actions that they take and the results we want to achieve. Aligning the type of culture that you need to achieve those future key results is really important to us: defining those cultural beliefs and then creating a work environment where those experiences that are part of those cultural beliefs can survive and thrive.” “We are seeing a shrinking workforce within the oil-and-gas industry, generally in Canada and the U.S.,” she continued.