Business View Magazine - August 2023

42 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 A laudable vision Kasselman Solar’s primary goal is to help New York owners of both homes and businesses to save money on their costly utility bills and increase their property values. The company does this by bringing its customers clean energy with solar panels, through either rooftop mounts or ground mounts. The company’s secondary goal is to do good for the planet. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, greenhouse gas emissions are the leading contributor to climate change, here in what scientists increasingly call the Anthropocene Era. By going solar, it’s possible to reduce man’s deleterious environmental impact and decrease the demand for fossil fuels and reduce said emissions. Last year, New York Gov. Kathleen Hochul made public a plan to achieve some two million climate-friendly homes in the Empire State by 2030. Kasselman Solar means to play a big role in this. The company foresees an environmentally friendly and affordable future for New Yorkers by helping people reclaim their energy independence and alleviating the burden of higher prices. Kasselman himself expresses a sunny optimism, both for the future and for his company. It is, he said, all about doing all they can to “lift communities, harnessing the power of the sun for a brighter and more sustainable future for not only generations to come but also in real- time, in the financial present, for households and businesses, especially small businesses.” PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Greentech Renewables