Business View Magazine - August 2023

36 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 comes when a company is local. Kasselman Solar is unique to the Empire State, and in turn, as a state, it’s a place known for promoting environmentally-friendly practices. “We’re independent in the solar industry,” he says, “and we’re local to New York State. We’re based in New York State.” Custom-tailored solutions for the state’s homeowners and state and federal buildings form the focus of Kasselman Solar, as Kasselman pointed out. Providing the highest levels of excellent quality and top-notch system performance are what it’s all about, he added. “It’s been time-tested,” he said of his company’s public image. “It’s a reputation built on trust. That’s really where we differentiate ourselves. We’re the most-trusted solar company.” Some potential customers are unsure as to whether to lease or outright buy solar panels. Kasselman said that he and his company are big advocates of the latter option, and they always want to ensure that this is viable for their customers. And it helps, as he revealed, that New York State has the best solar incentives in the country. Plus, Kasselman Solar can formulate a bipartite loan solution for customers, covering tax credits and other benefits, thus shrinking utility bills from day one. Kasselman noted that some important partners for Kasselman Solar in these loan-related efforts are the local branches of the First NY Federal Credit Union, as Tagliaferro revealed, adding that clients benefit from the aggressive rates that are better than what most people can take out a mortgage for these days. “They’ve created loan programs to work with us,” he said of the credit unions, “because obviously, solar is a good thing. And we’re trying to do something good for the client, financially.” Kasselman cited a Wall Street Journal poll from 2010. It singled out New York State as among the 15 states doing the most concerning solar