Business View Magazine - August 2023

28 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 NF R A S T RUC T UR E A S SOC I AT I ON ( S SR I A ) G THE REAL BUILD NET BUILDINGS W Tackling the challenges in building green properties with the sustainability bottom line in mind ith 40% of global carbon emitted from buildings[1] (including operations and construction of buildings), and the fact that today’s new buildings will still be here in 50 years or more, there is an immediate need to address how the industry designs, constructs and operates buildings. However, the building industry is complex and is slow to adopt change. Building codes and regulations have pushed for greater energy efficiency in buildings and the systems that operate them but are often recognizing the current market realities versus driving the change necessary to meet climate goals. Currently, the average residential building in Canada uses 95GJ of energy per household[2]. Builders have shown they can bring the annual energy use of a home to zero but this is certainly not being