Business View Magazine - August 2023

211 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 GODERICH REGIONAL AI RPORT asset for the Canadian Armed Forces and their search and rescue operations, the Coast Guard, and the medevac services,” she shares. Skyward Tourism: Harnessing the Potential of the Gateway Airport Discussing how the airport could catalyze tourism in the city, Mayor Murdock expresses a sense of untapped potential. “Recognizing that the airport is underutilized could be a major stepping stone,” he suggests. “Once it’s well-known - hopefully following this article - that could change.” Strong professional relationships, particularly with Waseem of Royal Canadian Airlines, Papple Aviation, and OPA, are crucial. “We have many doctors, for instance, who own planes or hold pilot’s licenses,” he reveals. “The freedom to fly wherever they wish is a major attraction, not just for these medical professionals, but also for business people and developers in the area.” Mayor Murdock paints an ambitious picture of the community’s future. “We’re looking at