Business View Magazine - April 2024

Association of Home Builders (CAHB) role comes into play. Founded in 1974 and proud to represent the interest of home builders, developers, and contractors throughout the state. They advocate for bills that positively affect the housing industry and oppose measures that impair it. The work that they do plays a crucial role in providing affordable and safe housing for Coloradans. CAHB is an affiliate of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), which is one of the largest trade associations in the country. On a smaller scale, CAHB has 10 local Home Builders Associations (HBA) across the state. Being a member of a local HBA also grants automatic membership to the CAHB and NAHB. Statewide, CAHB currently has a membership of around 2,000. CAHB’s ultimate goal is to ensure all major issues are addressed on behalf of its valued members and that every home builder and affiliated organization in the state can become a member of CAHB and directly benefit from what it has to offer. Already representing the leading Association for the sector, the CAHB is always striving to keep on top of regulatory affairs directly impacting its membership base and provide a ‘voice’ for the industry both locally and at the state level. To incentivize new members, the association offers a variety of benefits. This includes assistance with marketing, special member rebates, sponsorship opportunities, and lots of discounts on related programs, insurance, equipment, and more. Recent Colorado housing statistics say it all; home prices in Colorado are up 9% as of February 2024 compared to last year, and the number of homes sold is up 6.8%. This increase is significant, but there is still a lot that can be done to make homes more affordable to build and buy. Affordability is based on a wide variety of factors, and CAHB tries to tackle many of them. CURRENT PRIORITIES CAHB tries to align its priorities to the concerns of 27 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04 COLORADO ASSOCIAT ION OF HOME BUI LDERS