Business View Magazine - April 2024

prevent catastrophic failures and optimize spending by the jurisdiction. Lastly, users can integrate Uptake products into existing workflows. UPDATED GOVERNMENT FLEET COUNTS Government fleet counts from the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) 2022 Publicly Owned Motor- Vehicles table show sizable increases in government ownership of trucks and truck tractors. State, county and municipal agency fleets added 108,000 trucks and truck tractors in the latest year reported. When compared with year-earlier data, federal agency fleets grew by 100,000+ trucks and truck tractors. Special district forms of local government are not included in this fleet table, which was released in Nov. 2023. • It helps bundle repairs together to minimize shop visits and maximize time on the road. • It reduces the operational impact of unplanned or unscheduled downtime. • It lessens diagnostic downtime; the system helps managers know precisely when an asset will need to be evaluated. • It helps managers analyze trends in equipment failure to more rapidly understand and address asset-wide impact. The system allows administrators to obtain knowledge about all of a jurisdiction’s fixed and mobile assets to plan for the future. The setup also helps identify upcoming maintenance needs.This will enable managers to improve operational readiness, 14 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04