Business View Magazine - April 2024

“With our expanded footprint and increased work cells, we can now produce thousands more tanks annually,” Fischer explains.“This enhanced capability enables us to meet several large customer needs over the years ahead.” PEOPLE-FIRST PHILOSOPHY Kohnke elaborates on the company’s recent achievements and initiatives to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Among these accomplishments was the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) across all staff, a move designed to streamline processes and foster a culture of accountability and alignment. “Our adoption of the EOS framework has been instrumental in driving organizational clarity and focus,” Kohnke explains.“By empowering every team member to understand our vision and execute their roles effectively, we’ve created a cohesive and agile workforce capable of navigating challenges and seizing opportunities.” Implementing this system has yielded results, as Newberry has seen a 33% increase in its workforce since 2021. This influx of personnel highlights the company’s commitment to expanding operations to accommodate growing demand while maintaining exceptional standards of quality and service. “The growth of our workforce reflects our dedication to fostering talent and investing in our people,” Kohnke emphasizes. “As we continue to expand our capabilities and offerings, our team remains our greatest asset, driving our success and propelling us toward our growth objectives.” STREAMLINING OPERATIONS WITH EQUIPMENT KITS Another initiative driving Newberry’s growth trajectory is the Kitting Program. This strategic approach streamlines the procurement process by combining components or items required for a specific task or project. For Newberry Tanks and Equipment, kitting refers to assembling all the necessary equipment and accessories that accompany a steel tank into convenient kits. This includes lubrication equipment, 138 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04