Business View Magazine | April 2021

93 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 INSTAFUEL companies find anywhere from 10 to 50 percent of their fuel costs are wasted or simple theft. The reality is that by using our services you are cutting both the amount of fuel that is being used and the amount of time employees waste. We have a 98% retention rate for our clients.” Integrating more additions onto the platform is next on the agenda. According to Baki, “If we could integrate with a lot of telematics providers we would be able to know how much fuel was needed for each customer. For example, one of the bigger things we’d like to work on is what we call a fuel AI. We want to be able to predict fuel consumption based on market conditions, weather conditions, historical data, and those sorts of things. We have all this data now but we could fill it in more and start making predictive analytics. That will help us and the client become even more efficient. It has been four years of continuous research and development for us, and what we have today is sufficient for 99% of the fleets out there – but we can keep adding more.” Another way Instafuel have innovated fuel delivery is by eliminating several steps in the supply chain. Where normally fuel is created at a refinery, shipped to a distribution and holding center, then shipped to the gas station before finally being filled in the vehicle – now it is a simple refinery, delivery truck, vehicle model. “We have the gasoline and diesel brought to our location daily,” explains Baki, “and each of our trucks has two separate compartments, one for gasoline and one for diesel. We even have a patent out on technology that allows us to scan a vehicle and automatically CEO, Wisam Nahhas