Business View Magazine | April 2021

142 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 trouble getting hold of the products that we needed to make our facility safe. We came across this machine where you take water and salt and add a little electricity to it and it makes its own COVID-certified cleaning and sanitizing material.” This allowed the center to eliminate its supply chain issues and make its own sanitizer and cleaner for just five cents per gallon. “We made enough of it that we are giving it to other City departments to sanitize their facilities,” Kemp says. “We eliminated about 10 to15 chemicals and now we use one chemical and save a lot of money and waste in the process.” Even after the end of the pandemic, both facilities will continue to take disinfection and sanitizing work seriously. “Our cleaning process is completely different today than it was a year ago,” says Kemp. “In the event industry across the country, everyone would clean their facilities for the aesthetics. They wanted to clean so it looks