Business View Magazine | April 2021

118 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 where to go next. He points out that there is both a business plan and a master plan for the airport which lay out options for future airport development. “One of the more interesting projects we have done was a runway shift,” says Leno, “It involved moving our runway approximately 200 feet to the northeast because of a canal that was going through the runway protection zone. We also did some significant rehabilitation of the runway pavement. This year we are hoping to get an FAA grant for a taxi lane reconstruction project near the hangars – which will be a multi-phase project over the next several years. We would also like to complete a runway and taxiway airfield lighting assessment and hopefully switch to LEDs.” The airport also has a waiting list for hangars, even though they built two rows of them a year and a half ago. Two fairly large corporate