Business View Magazine | April 2020

229 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE APRIL 2020 KENTUCKY LEAGUE OF C I T I ES Kentucky cities, KLC stepped up and formed a municipal pool so cities could have stable insurance. KLC now covers more Kentucky municipalities than all other insurance carriers combined, insuring billions of dollars in local assets and providing health and employee benefits to city employees. KLC also operates a financial services program which provides bonding and financing for municipal and quality of life projects. More than half of all Kentucky communities have used the KLC finance program. In 2019, KLC partnered with business to create the KLC Investment Pool. It is administered by KLC, governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of Kentucky local leaders, and managed and advised by professional asset managers. Our organization values opportunities to partner with businesses that share our goal of providing cities with quality products and services. That’s why we started the KLC Cornerstone Partner