Business View Magazine | April 2019
134 NRS LOGISTICS York. Interflow handles all international tank container shipments. NRSA is a non-asset- based logistics company handling tank con- tainer leasing, warehousing, bulk liquid stor- age, air shipments, and domestic rail and road shipments. For international shipments, we have a freight forwarding license and work to the extent possible with our network of NRS Group companies due to their expertise in handling dangerous goods.” “Most of the big chemical companies are multi-national,” adds Domenico Masi, Vice President & General Manager. “So, if we find a multi-national based here, we offer our servic- es in the United States and introduce them to the entire NRS Group as an added-on service. If it’s a foreign-based multi-national the op- posite is true - our office in their home country can develop them as a customer and we can augment their service.” “The NRS Group has expanded our network in Asia, quite extensively,” Hiromura notes. “In 2004, we opened our first dangerous goods warehouse in China. The Chinese authorities recognized that they did not have the exper- tise to construct a dangerous goods warehouse that met the standards of U.S., European, or Japanese companies. So, we opened a joint venture warehouse in Shanghai in the Pudong Free Trade area and since that time, we opened a second warehouse in Lingang, which is the new port area in Shanghai. Besides our exten- sive facilities in Japan, we now have offices in Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet- nam, including dangerous goods warehouses in Japan, Korea, and Singapore, with plans for Taiwan and Thailand.” Going forward, Hiromura says that NRSA is planning on becoming more of an asset-based firm. One of the reasons is the shortage of
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