April 2017 | Business View Magazine

152 153 D umas Contracting Ltd. (“Dumas”) is a leading, full-service under- ground mining contractor, provid- ing services to clients throughout the Americas. Dumas is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with numerous active projects and offices across Canada, Mexico, and Guatemala. Over the years, Dumas has completed over 500 projects for over 40 clients across 10 countries, and employed over 8,000 people. Dumas provides concept to completion underground mining services that are ful- ly integrated with other activities being performed by mine owners and other con- tractors on project sites. Project services include mine development, production, infrastructure, and general construction projects. Dumas has the capability to per- form virtually any service underground from large-scale vertical shaft sinking projects to a complete production mining operation. Large-scale shaft-sinking projects are one of Dumas Contracting dumas contracting Providingunderground mining project expertise AT A GLANCE dumas contracting WHAT: A full-service underground mining contractor WHERE: Toronto, Canada WEBSITE: www.dumasmining.com