April 2017 | Business View Magazine

144 145 Eurasian Minerals, Inc. Turning minerals rights into cash M ineral royalty compa- nies comprise a small but growing sector within the mining and exploration industries. These companies hold interests in mining properties and receive royalty payments based on the amount of current or future mine production, the value of that production, or the net rev- enue or profit generated from them. Eurasian Minerals Inc., with corporate offices in Van- couver, British Columbia, is a mineral royalty company that manufactures royalty claims over huge pro- spective mineral belts in many parts of the world. The company was founded in 2003 by CEO, David Cole, after an 18-year career at the Newmont Mining Company, which, in its hey- day, was the world’s largest gold producer. His objective was to create a company that would focus on the attainment and growth of a di- versified portfolio of mineral holdings, mainly AT A GLANCE eurasian minerals, inc. WHAT: A mining royalty company WHERE: Vancouver, Canada WEBSITE: www.eurasian minerals.com