Civil Municipal - September 2024

rain garden with various features. So, we got the stormwater management we needed to alleviate the concerns in that neighborhood, but we also got a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing rain garden right in the middle of the neighborhood.” THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX “One project that we’ve undertaken in the last number of years is critical to everything that is going on in Palmyra,” Gural relates.“About three years ago, we recognized that trash collection costs were out of control in the state. Costs were doubling as trash collection vendors were rebidding contracts upon their expiration. So, we took a very unique approach: into the bidding documents that we released for the vendors to bid on, we included a provision that allowed the Borough to drop certain neighborhoods from the contract, should we decide to take those trash collections on, ourselves. We didn’t have a plan, Photo Credit: Jennifer Carr Photography and Environmental Resolutions, Inc. One of the Borough’s three new ASLs (Automizer Side Loader) in action 190 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 09