Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

76 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 Notably, Stone Horse Green Park, a focal point in the city’s downtown redevelopment, was financed partly through this TIF. “It’s not just about the city’s contribution,” says Gadow. “The establishment of Stone Horse Green was a testament to the spirit of collaboration in Middleton. Private donations combined with public funds turned it into a cherished community green space.” Stone Horse Green, the only greenspace in the bustling downtown, offers a gathering space to bring people together to strengthen the bonds between all of Middleton’s neighbors. Honoring the first livery stable and notable city landmark, this central location has had significance as a gathering place since 1876. Middleton’s approach with TIF hasn’t been one- dimensional. Beyond the bustling downtown is another TIF district, honing in on housing redevelopment. “It encompasses everything from high-end luxury multifamily units to affordable workforce housing. It’s about providing a diverse housing ecosystem,” states Gadow. Middleton’s Blueprint: Pioneering Modern Development Gadow is particularly astute about the commercial landscape of Middleton. Addressing the available commercial spaces, he commented, “It’s very much in flux regarding office space. There’s not as much demand for office space as there was a couple of years ago. Our industrial park is near a buildout, but there’s an opportunity for redevelopment.” Gadow paints a picture of dynamic growth, fueled by companies both young and established seeking new operational spaces. He suggests that Middleton could become a hub for bioscience, given its proximity to Madison. “Once you get a couple of firms deciding to locate in an area, it breeds a virtuous cycle of businesses wanting to come and locate in that same area,” Gadow said. This sentiment radiates the aura of potential and opportunity, situating Middleton at the precipice of commercial advancement. Discussing the demand for diverse residential options, Gadow elaborated, “There is a demand