Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

75 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 is where the rubber meets the road. This is when our business community needs us.” While many entities took a step back, Middleton’s business leaders leaned in, recognizing that these unforeseen challenges required agility and decisive action. Miller elaborates, “There was a deluge of resources, guidelines, and changing circumstances. We positioned ourselves as the hub, ensuring businesses were aware of what was available to them. The approach wasn’t generic. It was tailored – recognizing the distinct needs of the ‘mom and pop’ shops versus larger corporations.” The Chamber’s proactive approach extended beyond emails and webinars. In a time when personal touch mattered the most, they picked up the phone, reaching out, and ensuring every business member felt seen and heard. “Our hearts bled for these businesses. Many just needed a moment to voice their fears. We were there to listen to their fears and concerns and find resources to help alleviate some of them,”says Miller. Strategically Leveraging Tax Increment Financing: Middleton’s Economic Powerplay At a time when many municipalities are grappling with limited tools for economic development, the city of Middleton, Wisconsin stands as an exemplar in capitalizing on tax increment financing (TIF) for community enrichment. “Unlike many other states, Wisconsin doesn’t have a diverse toolkit for spurring economic growth. We largely rely on TIF,” Gadow observes. Gadow elaborates, “Middleton has been extraordinarily successful with TIF. We currently operate two active TIF districts. The first, initiated in 1993, stands as one of the state’s most successful, with an initial $65 million investment. It’s now generated over $624 million in new value.” This initial TIF district wasn’t just about numbers; it’s been instrumental in revitalizing Middleton’s heart – the downtown area. “It facilitated significant redevelopment over the past decades,” Gadow adds. MIDDLETON, WI