Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

70 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Horizon Bank n Redline Equipment n Synthesis Incorporated do that across the board on other projects. Sometimes a complete public or complete private investment is not optimal so it’s good to look for that private/public partnership.” Martin notes that the city has a five-year master plan for its Parks Department, which it is getting ready to release to the public. “It outlines where we want to go and how we accomplish that over that five-year time,” he explains. “As we continue to move forward with that plan, we’re also looking at teaming up with local investors. Riverside Park is kind of a central park to our community that is utilized more than any other park. So, obviously, the focus is going to be on that area. We want to have private development along the river while we come in with a walkable river walk that will be starting at Riverside Park, where the new Event Center is, and continue downtown. The five-year master plan will showcase what we’re working on.” The train keeps going Going forward, Cuppy, who prizes the Chamber’s relationship with the city and enjoys working with Martin’s administration, says that a priority is finishing the long list of municipal and private projects in a timely and efficient manner. “We’ve got so many balls juggling right now and I think it’s very important that we all make sure things get done.” Or as the mayor insists: “keeping the train on the tracks.” “I hear from people all the time that the city is moving in a very positive direction,” says Pomasl. “One of the cool things about all of the growth that we’ve seen and all of the exciting projects that are started, or in process, or finished, have come from us locally. It’s been very organic growth. We’ve had local people invest in a lot of buildings downtown, and are now doing the Event Center. We’ve had local companies reinvesting in their capacity and their workforce.” “The people that are here, that feel the energy, are willing to put their money where their mouth is; they’re willing to make the bet and we’re putting the infrastructure in place to support them and to support anybody who wants to be a part of what’s happening. And we have a lot more coming over the next couple of years. It’s a really exciting time to be here in Logansport and to be a part of all this,”he concludes.