Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

66 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 The mayor’s agenda Key items on the mayor’s agenda include public safety, road repair and maintenance, infrastructure upgrades, housing, education, and workforce development – all of which help make Logansport a more attractive place for new businesses to thrive and new residents to want to move to. Regarding public safety, Martin says, “We have been busy. We’ve got our first stand-alone police station that we broke ground on in October of last year and will be completed by the end of this year. It’s being built by over 95% of local contractors; it’s ahead of schedule and under budget.” “We’ve got body-cams rolling out at the end of this month for our police department, so every officer will have a body-cam, and we’ve saved nearly $200,000 on that because of a grant from the state. Our fire department got a new engine and pump truck. It shows an amazing amount of support for public safety,”he elaborates.