Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

65 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 In fact, for many years, the Pennsylvania Railroad was the area’s largest employer. Logansport still has two active railroads and a switch yard, plus a small refurbished depot downtown, but, today, the city’s economy is built more on food processing and light industry than on rail transport. Tyson’s Fresh Meats is its number one employer, and businesses that support the food processing giant – suppliers, storage facilities, transportation companies -- have grown up, and are continuing to grow, around it. In addition, local entrepreneurs keep on opening new restaurants and retail establishments, so the economic climate in Logansport is vibrant. “We have 15 new businesses that were added in 2021; 30 new businesses that were added in 2022; and we have about ten businesses already added in 2023,” Martin reports. LOGANSPORT, INDIANA architectural design solutions that deliver lasting and valuable impact on communities and organizations Share your vision with us at Synthesis is a proud partner of the City of Logansport.