Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

30 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 “We offer free classes for the entrepreneurs,” she says of these chamber-related efforts. “We provide a plethora of classes, and they are all free.” Lovvorn says the future of Athens is a bright one indeed. “The vibe of the community is real,” he declares. “ When you come to one of these events, you see it and you feel it. It’s one of the reasons why I feel that Athens is a major draw right now in terms of people moving here. I’ve always been a big promoter of my community. I’ve loved being an Athenian since I was a young kid. I try to sell it every chance I get.” “When I hear someone talking about moving to Athens, I always say, ‘Please do.’ Why wouldn’t you?” PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n AIDT As a division of the Alabama Department of Commerce, AIDT provides a full range of customized technical training programs that are offered at no cost to employers and to the trainees n Morell Engineering