Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

148 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 The Cyber Academy is not just about providing an alternative learning environment; it’s about creating a comprehensive educational experience. The academy offers live instruction, after-hours support, and even an esports program. Furthermore, it provides a platform for special needs students to run a store, selling merchandise to help them with some life skills. “We also within that program have renovated space for an esports program...along the same lines we have within the mall...a program where our special needs students will run a store,” Dr. Uplinger shares, highlighting the diverse opportunities the academy offers. Dr. Uplinger notes that the Cyber Academy has seen a significant increase in enrollment, growing from seventy students to over eight hundred. Dr. Uplinger attributes this growth to the quality of education the district provides. “We can provide a better service. We can provide a better curriculum. We can provide better education to the students that are participating in our program.” Pioneering Educational Pathways The Hazleton Area School District is not just growing; it’s also expanding its educational offerings. The district’s focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programming is a testament to its commitment to preparing students for the future. “We have that focus,” Dr. Uplinger affirms. Unlike many districts that share career centers with other districts, Hazleton Area School District has its own, serving approximately 850 students. The center offers a variety of trades, including welding, automotive, diesel mechanic, computer-aided drafting, and culinary. “We have different trades...we’ve also started the renovations of one of our areas in the shop...and we’re going to add industrial maintenance as a program,” he shares.