Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

146 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 the past when superintendents were less visible, highlighting the shift in leadership style that he has brought to the district. Dr. Uplinger’s commitment to being ‘out and about’ is not merely about physical presence. It’s about creating an environment where students, staff, and constituents feel comfortable asking questions, making comments, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. His approach underscores his belief in the power of communication and the importance of building strong relationships within the community. This commitment to accessibility and visibility is not a recent development. It has been a cornerstone of Dr. Uplinger’s stellar career in education. “I’ve continued that throughout my entire career,” he shares, indicating his unwavering dedication to this principle. A Community-Centric Approach Dr. Uplinger’s vision for the Hazleton Area School District extends beyond the school walls and into the community. His approach is not just about being visible and accessible; it’s about integrating the community into the fabric of the district’s operations. This community-centric approach is integral to the district’s mandate, with a particular emphasis on student-centered learning. “Everything that we do has to revolve around the children of the district because that is what drives our programming,” Dr. Uplinger explains. This student-centered approach is not just a theoretical concept; it’s a practical strategy that involves engaging with students and seeking their feedback. “I’ve sat with students on countless occasions and asked, ‘What are we doing well, what’s working, what’s not working?’ They’ve given me some very candid feedback,” he shares, highlighting the importance of student voices in shaping the district’s policies and programs. This focus on student-centered initiatives extends to athletics and extracurricular activities, reinforcing the idea that every aspect of the district’s operations must revolve around the students. But community integration doesn’t stop with the students; it also involves the parents. “We try to involve our parents as much as possible all through their child’s career,” Dr. Uplinger states, emphasizing the importance of parental involvement in the educational process. This involvement starts early, with the district running a pre-K program and overseeing the Luzerne County Early Intervention program for children with special needs. Involving parents early on is crucial, according to Dr. Uplinger. “It’s really important to bring the parents in as early as possible with their children,” he says. This early involvement helps to establish a strong foundation for the children’s educational journey, preparing them for kindergarten and beyond. Expanding Horizons The Hazleton Area School District is in a state of dynamic growth. With a student population that