Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

135 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 WARRENVI LLE , I LL INOIS Senior Civil Engineer Kristine Hocking. “Infrastructure was a big part of that plan. At that time, there was very little, to no, infrastructure in the southwest district. Some of the projects that needed to be done were extending various roads, right-of-way, water and sewer, etc. We had the plan all set, but we needed a catalyst to occur.” As it turned out, the city of Aurora, just southwest of Warrenville, had just built a new Amazon facility and was also working to extend its infrastructure outward. As complementary infrastructure projects were completed by both municipalities, developers jumped on board. “We were able to put together some re- development agreements in the area,” Hocking reports, “specifically Lexington Trace, which was a 20+-acre area in the southwest district, for 106 single-family townhomes. The Everton project was born as well. They added 89 townhomes, 259 apartments on a 32+-acre