Business View Civil Municipal - Sept 2023

117 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 SUAMICO, WISCONSIN care facility. The village board also approved multi-family units adjacent to that building, which will help to support existing retail businesses in the area and draw other ones in. We’ve seen an immediate impact, with several fast food chains and a new grocer (German-based discount grocery giant Aldi) moving into the development.” A growing trend over the past 35 years has been the explosion of microbreweries across North America. Suamico is no exception to this sudsy effort, as it has seen the Ahnapee Brewery and the Station 1 Brewing Co. both located within municipal limits in just the past three years, as Kaker points out. The latter purchased a former fire station, located downtown and belonging to the Village of Suamico. The new business opened its doors in September 2021. Commercial mowing company RC Mowers also recently built a new facility of some 36,000 square feet. The company made the move from a previous site, located just next door, that its leaders had leased, as Kaker revealed. He returns to the topic of COVID and its restrictions, citing this as a real crucible for his community. Photo: James Brey